Find the Perfect Loan for Your Small Business.
Same Day Funding
Generally, the whole process from application to funding takes less than 24 hours. RFR Capital has the fastest turnaround time in the industry. Once the application form is filled out, we will have everything we need on our end to complete the transaction in 24 hours or less.

Highest Approval Rate
RFR Capital currently holds one of the highest approval rates in the commercial finance industry. 98% of our applications get approved and funded in less than a day. No matter the industry, credit history or cash flow situation, RFR Capital has a home for you.

Simplest Application Process
RFR Capital has invested heavily in its technology infrastructure to help make this application process easier for you. We understand you are a busy business owner and might not have the time to complete a long grueling application. We have seamlessly streamlined the process to the point that it will only take 5 minutes of your time to see some options.

Reviews and Testimonials
Get In Touch
Please send us a note with any questions you may have or if you would like more information about any of our services.